Thursday, January 27, 2011

Senator Mitch McConnell And His Pals Stole $2.5 Trillion Of Our Social Security Money

Yup it's true. $2.5 or $2.6, depending on who's counting, Trillion of our Social Security money is gone. Senator Mitch McConnell and his pals have spent it. All $2.5/$2.6 Trillion of it and gave us a IOU. That worked OK as long as there was more money coming into Social Security than going out. But now when there's less coming into Social Security than going out and the IOU's are due Senator Mitch McConnell and his pals worried about the solvency of Social Security. Really? It's sock it to Grandma time.

Yes there's a problem with Social Security funding and the problem can be put right at the feet of Senator Mitch McConnell and his pals. It's nothing more than a shake down. Let me give you an example as to how I see this: Let's say you go to work and your boss picks up a baseball bat, beats one of your fellow employee's unconscious and then fires the employee for being unconscious on the job. Are you getting the picture? Folks like Mitch McConnell create these problems and then blame us and make us pay. Thugs....

Senator Mitch McConnell and his pals, both Democrat and Republican, have used our Social Security money to invade Iraq, subsidize the oil companies and other corporations, give their rich pals huge tax cuts, ear marks for their rich constituents, farm subsidies for rich farmers, pensions for Congressional crooks and let's don't forget the Afghanistan war and all of the Afghanistan crooks we're subsidizing over there. How would you like to have a suit case filled with $52 million? Well that's what we give Afghan Vice-President Ahmad Zia Masood! I could go on forever here. Feel free to add to this list in the comment section.

Senator Mitch McConnell and his pals have accused American workers of bad hygiene, poor punctuality, in need of need anger-management and conflict-resolution skills, and lacking the skills necessary to perform and compete while creating a climate to outsource, ship our jobs overseas and decimate America's manufacturing base and all the while they were stealing our Social Security money. Remember the boss and the baseball bat?

It really bothers me that Communism is having to fund my Social Security check, but it's also very enlightening. It appears the Chinese Communist government is out performing our Capitalist system and it could be they, the Chinese, know how to deal with crooked politicians.

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